CRM and marketing automation

CRM and marketing automation: a winning duo!

  •   23 June 2022

Marketing automation and CRM are two very different concepts; however, implementing these two systems has become a necessity to boost lead generation and personalize the customer experience. In this article, we will help you understand how marketing automation works, distinguish the best platforms for CRM and identify the areas of complementarity between CRM and automation.

Best advanced google ads strategies

Google Ads – four effective strategies to target your audience

  •   16 June 2022

In 2022, all businesses should use audience targeting to create effective advertising campaigns with a better Return On Investment (ROI). Find out in this article how Google Ads can help you create digital campaigns with an advanced targeting and thus maximize the Return On Ad Spend (ROAS). Here are four smart strategies to better target […]


Gamification in e-commerce: a key player to improve your online sales

  •   9 June 2022

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google Ads, social media, etc. All these levers have become necessary to reach your target and highlight your offer. However, your efforts may be less effective in the face of demanding consumers and fierce competition. There are different marketing strategies to encourage your visitors to choose your brand and take action. […]

what is customer journey mapping

Customer Journey Map: what is it and why is it important to create it?

  •   2 June 2022

A customer journey is a process by which a customer interacts with a company to achieve a goal. From discovering a brand via social media to receiving an email after a successful transaction, the steps in between are usually numerous and varied. Today’s consumers use multiple channels to communicate with a brand. All these touchpoints […]

Are NFTs The Future of Ecommerce?

What are NFTs and how do they impact e-commerce?

  •   26 May 2022

Since the blockchain boom, NFTs are the latest crypto-currencies that are generating the most debate in the tech industry. In this article, we will explore this recent phenomenon and study its impact on your business.
