How to Generate Qualified Leads

How to generate and convert qualified leads for your business?

  •   27 January 2022

Lead generation is one of the most important tasks for any company that wants to increase its sales. To convert a sales contact into a lead, you must put in place appropriate initiatives that will lead them to act. In this article, our experts at Eminence explain to you what you should do to generate […]

Top SEO trends for 2022

Top SEO trends for 2022

  •   20 January 2022

SEO is constantly changing thanks to the ongoing evolution of Google algorithms. Understanding these evolutions’ impact on internet users’ behaviors and requests is fundamental, hence the need to monitor the latest updates. With this in mind, let’s explore the trends to follow for a successful SEO strategy in 2022. Follow the guide!

Google Search Console gets a makeover with a new design

Google Search Console gets a makeover with a new design

  •   13 January 2022

To improve the user experience and facilitate access to various data, Google has implemented a new design for its Google Search Console service. Discover in this article the advantages of this new design, and the importance of Google Search Console to optimize the performance of your website.

digital trends to watch out for in 2022

6 digital trends to watch out for in 2022

  •   6 January 2022

To respond effectively to customer demands, brands must anticipate upcoming trends. In this article, our experts will help you create a list of the main trends to follow to make your business take off in 2022.

CRM strategy

CRM Strategy: Why you need it and how to develop it

  •   23 December 2021

Today’s consumers are volatile and less loyal to brands due to their high level of expectations and the increased competition in the market. To capture and retain them, it is essential to improve the quality of your customer relationship. In this article, you will discover some advice to define your CRM strategy, an essential solution […]
