Analyzing the performance of your web content with the Google Search Console Insights feature

Analyzing the performance of your web content with the Google Search Console Insights feature

  •   5 August 2021

Previously known as Google Webmaster Tools (GWT), Google Search Console is a free service that Google offers to webmasters to help them check their websites indexing in search results. It is meant to help to improve the SEO of websites. 

Everything you need to know About the new Google Core Updates

Everything you need to know About the new Google Core Updates

  •   29 July 2021

As part of its ongoing efforts to improve the web experience for users, Google has launched several Core Updates; one in June 2021 and the other one in July 2021. In parallel, the Page Experience Update was updated in mid-June 2021.   

IOS 14: What impacts on your ads and what solutions to keep your campaigns effective?

IOS 14: The impacts on your ads and the solutions to keep your campaigns effective

  •   15 July 2021

By now, you’ve probably heard about Apple’s new iOS 14 update, which has impacted how personalized ads are delivered on social networks and how users’ personal data is collected. This update requires iOS apps to proactively ask users for permission to track them on other apps and websites; whereas previously, users were tracked by default.   

BtoB audience

Segment your B-to-B audience to increase your online sales

  •   9 July 2021

The concept of segmentation is a sensitive topic for many marketers and companies. It is as important in Business to Business (B2B) as it is in Business to Consumer (B2C). The key is to identify different groups or segments of people and use their data to deliver relevant messages to the right people, at the […]

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation: The pharmaceutical sector is changing

  •   9 July 2021

Digital transformation is affecting all industry sectors, including the pharmaceutical one which has been slow to integrate digital technologies. This delay can be explained by the sensitive and highly regulated nature of the business. However, for the past two years, this sector has been undergoing a digital revolution to address the health crisis and make […]
