How to make an SEO audit and what are the best tools to properly evaluate the traffic?

Running an SEO audit and the best tools to evaluate website’s trafic

  •   26 August 2020

An SEO audit allows you to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your website, to bring you concrete solutions to increase your traffic, and to improve your natural referencing on Google.

Where to draw the line between content optimization and over-optimization?

Difference between content optimization and over optimization

  •   18 August 2020

Quality content, keywords, tags, link descriptions, etc. Search engines have many criteria for SEO a site, and some of them are constantly evolving.

Structured data: a gain in traffic or a loss in click through rate?

Structured data: a gain in traffic or a loss in click through rate?

  •   12 August 2020

In this new article, our experts discuss the topic of structured data and its role in increasing your traffic and contributing to a semantically enriched web.


Seasonality of requests: How to acquire traffic during low seasons ?

  •   5 August 2020

Seasonality impacts most industries, but by communicating the right message at the right time and adapting to the seasons you can generate traffic and sales.

Google takes user experience into account in its ranking !

Google takes user experience into account in its ranking !

  •   29 July 2020

Always with the aim of satisfying its users, Google announces the arrival of a new update of its algorithm for 2021: the user experience will be an essential criterion to be well referenced on search engines. Users are increasingly demanding and impatient. They are asking for more simplicity, more speed and more accessibility to companies.
