digital news

Follow the latest digital news

  •   27 November 2016

The digital world follows only one rule: continuous evolution! To be in line with this rule, the main actors of digital give themselves fully to provide users with a new experience and a lot of novelties. Updates, new applications, new features … Eminence, digital agency, offers you every week the best news!

digital marketing strategy

Why do you need a digital marketing strategy?

  •   27 November 2016

In today’s crowded digital marketing world, it’s becoming harder than ever to stand out among the sea of competitors, and with so many online advertising options, what is the best use of your marketing project?

online reputation

How to improve your online reputation?

  •   27 October 2016

Managing your online reputation has become essential, whether you are a company or an individual. For a business, it is crucial, as an increasing number of customers inquire about a company on the Internet before buying their products, relying on the opinions and reviews they find, which greatly influences their purchases. Your online reputation is […]

Facebook chat window

The last trend in the digital world

  •   28 July 2016

New Facebook chat box As much as the Messenger app got many updates it was not the case for the Facebook website chat box. As you know Messenger is a new entity separated from the old Facebook chat box we used to have. Finally it’s happening and it seems it is just the beginning. The […]

news of the week

Eminence Dubai : News of the week!

  •   24 July 2016

Embed your Periscope’s broadcast anywhere on the web We haven’t heard a lot lately about Periscope. The news and updates have been slow with this platform but right now it’s the clash of titans. Periscope and Facebook are competing to become the main live broadcasting platform. Facebook has been pouring a lot of new features […]
