Google Ads offers a new way to measure offline leads

Google Ads offers a new way to measure offline leads

  •   12 May 2022

To help businesses gain more accurate data about their consumers’ buying journey, Google Ads recently introduced a new feature called “Advanced Lead Conversion Tracking.” This feature allows advertisers to measure offline conversions from their campaigns. The goal of Advanced Conversions for Leads is to track consumers’ activity and leverage their data across different touchpoints.

Web tracking: how does it work and why is it important for your business?

Web tracking: how does it work and why is it important for your business?

  •   17 March 2022

How can you measure your company’s return on investment reliably and solidly? The answer lies in tracking your business efforts by collecting useful data through web tracking.  

IOS 14: What impacts on your ads and what solutions to keep your campaigns effective?

IOS 14: The impacts on your ads and the solutions to keep your campaigns effective

  •   15 July 2021

By now, you’ve probably heard about Apple’s new iOS 14 update, which has impacted how personalized ads are delivered on social networks and how users’ personal data is collected. This update requires iOS apps to proactively ask users for permission to track them on other apps and websites; whereas previously, users were tracked by default.   

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