Google Core Web Vitals: the new Ranking Signals for SEO

Google Core Web Vitals: the new Ranking Signals for SEO

  •   26 May 2021

In their quest to make user experience when browsing more relevant and enjoyable, the search engine giant Google says it will make changes to the search engine ranking by integrating user experience into its SEO criteria.   These algorithm changes, originally scheduled for May 2021, have been delayed until mid-June to give advertisers more time to […]

How to integrate ROPO into your digital strategy?

How to integrate ROPO into your digital strategy?

  •   16 May 2021

Have you heard of the ROPO effect also known as Research Online Purchase Offline? This approach is associated with the digital marketing strategy that links “web to shop” and “shop to web”. It should not be underestimated because ROPO modifies the purchase path of Internet users. To integrate this technique effectively, companies should adapt their […]

How to successfully implement Digital Transformation into your business?

How to successfully implement Digital Transformation into your business?

  •   28 April 2021

Digital technology has drastically impacted companies around the world. It has created a major strategic issue for companies that want to become efficient and who wish to maintain a competitive edge. What are the roles of technological innovations and digital tools? How do they impact the growth and profitability of companies?

How to use a CRM to improve ROI?

How to use a CRM to improve ROI?

  •   21 April 2021

Today, companies around the world are being confronted with the same issues related to data: information must be reliable, updated, personalized, and secure. It is important to establish this to adapt to consumers’ new expectations and requirements. It will also enable companies to adapt and respond in real-time.

The Industrial Digital Transformation

The Industrial Digital Transformation

  •   7 April 2021

Today the industrial sector is faced with an increasingly competitive market, especially since the arrival of innovative technology and services.   The key factors to the digital transition    Digital and Data:  To monitor production lines quickly and efficiently, manufacturers must collect, analyze, and process data to succeed in their digital transformation.    The digitization process should be […]
