How digitalisation is transforming our education system

How digitalisation is transforming our education system

  •   25 February 2019

Digitalisation is expanding in the education sector. Whether for students, universities, lecturers or companies – the digital era is changing our overall learning environment.

Create a successful Landing Page and increase your conversion rate!

Create a successful Landing Page and increase your conversion rate!

  •   18 February 2019

Landing pages are used to turn users into leads or customers. They draw visitors’ attention to your brand’s promise of performance. Attempting to persuade them to take a certain action: for example, by buying a product, filling out a form or completing a trial month.

Social Proof

Social Proof: Why is it crucial for decision-making?

  •   6 February 2019

Imagine you are strolling around in a city and looking for a nice restaurant where you would like to enjoy a delicious and spontaneous lunch.

Social Media Monitoring

Why Social Media Monitoring is crucial for your company

  •   31 January 2019

With the daily flood of information, it is difficult for companies to stand out from the crowd. Every day 1.4 billion people log into their Facebook accounts and over 95 million images are shared on Instagram.

Social Selling Strategy

What are the key elements for a successful Social Selling Strategy ?

  •   17 January 2019

Nowadays, if you want to reach out to your clients, you need to think social and aim for the long term. Social Selling is the new buzzword – what’s behind all this?
