Social Media Trends

Social Media Trends 2017

  •   18 June 2017

So we are half way through the year already and social media use has continued to rapidly increase for both B2B and B2C businesses. Here at Eminence, have rounded up the 21 trends that are still predicted for businesses at the latter half of the year. Have a read of the below:

how to find the right influencers

How to find the right influencers for your brand

  •   5 March 2017

Influencers are fast becoming one of the most popular tools used for brands, not just in the UAE, but internationally. It is following the success of the social media era we live and work in, that has allowed brands to target their audience in an indirect way, thorough people that have a large following across […]

Social Media Trends

Why social media is so important ?

  •   15 February 2017

Every company wants to make an impression. They want to have opportunities to educate the audience about their brand. To encourage likes on their Facebook and Twitter accounts and visits to their website. But where to start when you’re promoting to your brand? How can you attract all ages and socio demographics? It sounds straight […]

Super bowl ads

Super Bowl Ads–not just TV advertising, but so much more!

  •   6 February 2017

On February 5th, the SuperBowl aired to millions all over the world, it’s not just a game, where football players battle it out to win pride and the nations support for their team. It’s important to think about the platform it provides for brands to advertise their products. Advertisers shell out over $5 million to […]

importance of big data in the business world

The importance of big data in the business world

  •   25 January 2017

The term big data is nothing we haven’t heard before. In actual fact, both large and small companies are beginning to utilize big data and the analysis behind it, in order to gain insight and information to better support their company and cater to the needs of their customers.
