The digitalization of Sephora stores

The digitalization of Sephora stores

  •   18 May 2016

Flash Sephora opened its doors in Paris. This is the first fully connected shop. An innovative concept with a refined design. The cosmetic line offers customers a new digital marketing experience. No more baskets filled with creams and other beauty products. The store presents its 14,000 products on a 100m² surface instead of the usual […]

rolex case study

Rolex Case Study

  •   10 May 2016

Table of Contents Traditionally luxury brands are reluctant to implement a digital strategy. With their reputation, luxury brands did not immediately feel the need to move to digital. However, Rolex, always on time, was able to understand the important issue of implementing a digital strategy in its marketing plan. Rolex has adapted its strategy by making the […]

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads: a more precise BtoB targeting!

  •   24 April 2016

There are over 1.4 billion people who use Facebook. This is the most popular social network in the world. So if you opt for a social media strategy, Facebook is the ideal network to reach a perfect target. The best way is the Facebook Ads (Advertising). Advertising on Facebook has reached colossal figures, so do […]

impact social media on seo

What impact do social media have on SEO?

  •   12 April 2016

When we talk about SEO, the question of the impact of social networks is often dealt with. Is a presence on social networks has a positive impact on SEO? That is to say, can we have a better positioning in the results of search engines through social networks? Yes certainly otherwise why marketing professionals do […]

Which social network for which objectives?

  •   25 November 2015

Social networks have become so widespread in recent years, it is essential for your business to use these communication channels. However the issues and objectives are different from one social network to another. It is therefore necessary to define a suitable digital strategy.
