Performance Marketing

Performance Marketing

  •   10 March 2020

Performance marketing has completely changed the way companies advertise and sell their products. It has also impacted the way we measure the success of marketing campaigns.


The best Facebook updates of the year!

  •   6 January 2020

With the right tools, anyone can do marketing! It has really been a crazy year for marketing and advertising on Facebook with a focus on privacy ensure Internet users have more control especially when it comes to their user experience.


Facebook new tab : Major media to be paid

  •   20 August 2019

Announced since April, we now have some further information about the “News” tab of Facebook.  Shortly after Apple News, the “Netflix press” that allows access to hundreds of newspapers and magazines for $10 a month, Mark Zuckerberg began talking about his new news tab. With its launch indicated for this fall and its potential major […]

influencer marketing

Everything you need to know about influencer marketing – Part 2

  •   9 July 2019

In our last article, we explained what is influence marketing and what are the different levels of Instagram influencers, as well as how they represent a real lever for brands.

Everything you need to know about influencer marketing

Everything you need to know about influencer marketing

  •   25 June 2019

By adapting the famous word-of-mouth principle to digital, influencer marketing proves to be a particularly effective strategy for improving a brand’s visibility, reaching an ever-wider audience, and acquiring new prospects. In this article, we will explain what influencer marketing really is and why an influencer strategy can be fruitful in terms of communication for your […]
