Push and pull marketing

Push and Pull Marketing in 2017

  •   25 September 2017

We have all heard of push and pull marketing, but recently, there has been less of a push. Just to be clear on these, push marketing is advertisements, promotional offers and emails all filling email inboxes with content- That is all being pushed to the client, somewhat unwillingly. This is wasting both your time and […]

Social Media Trends

Social Media Trends 2017

  •   18 June 2017

So we are half way through the year already and social media use has continued to rapidly increase for both B2B and B2C businesses. Here at Eminence, have rounded up the 21 trends that are still predicted for businesses at the latter half of the year. Have a read of the below:

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads: a more precise BtoB targeting!

  •   24 April 2016

There are over 1.4 billion people who use Facebook. This is the most popular social network in the world. So if you opt for a social media strategy, Facebook is the ideal network to reach a perfect target. The best way is the Facebook Ads (Advertising). Advertising on Facebook has reached colossal figures, so do […]

future travelers will be your future clients

Future travellers will be your Future Clients

  •   13 October 2015

“lead” is a key element in market activity and marketing of a travel agency especially through its website. The “digital lead” represents a contact quality (someone who is  interested in your offer), which was established between your travel agency and the Internet. Like any business, you wish that this contact leads to an act of purchase. […]

Financial institutions should use social media

Why Financial Institutions Should Use Social Media

  •   12 August 2014

The use of social networks in the financial sector has many advantages. Before you start posting, twittering and sharing we give you some recommendations. Follow the guide!
